Vision & Mission:
"Transforming lives by instituting value-based education to the students and giving young women of society, developing their full potentials in their quest for excellence till they mature into a harmonious life with self, God, and others".

Sr. Sonia Chacko
Sr. Rojita Nongrum
Vice Principal
Dear Students, Parents, Teachers, and Staff,
The year 2023 earmarks the 110th year of the esteemed existence of our Institute. The completion of 11 fruitful decades is a major landmark of any educational institution. Casting a glance over the years that have gone by, we cannot but thank Almighty God for the bounteous graces and blessings showered our hallowed Institution
We are filled with gratitude as we reflect upon the legacy we have built and the countless lives we have touched throughout the years.
Since our founding, the guiding principles of virtue and knowledge have been the bedrock of our educational philosophy. These values have shaped generations of students, preparing them not only for academic success but also for lives of integrity, compassion, and purpose. Our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with the wisdom to positively impact the world has remained unwavering.
Over the past century, we have witnessed tremendous advancements and transformations in the world. The challenges we face today may be vastly different from those of the past, but the values of virtue and knowledge remain as relevant and essential as ever. As we navigate a rapidly changing landscape, we must equip our students with the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and complex world.
At our school, we believe that true education extends beyond textbooks and examinations. It encompasses the development of character, resilience, and a genuine love for learning. We strive to foster an inclusive and nurturing environment where every student feels valued, supported, and empowered to explore their passions and unlock their full potential.
Our exceptional team of dedicated educators continues to inspire and challenge our students to reach new heights. They are the pillars of our institution, investing their time, expertise, and care into shaping the minds and hearts of our students. Together, we celebrate their commitment to excellence and their unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.
We remember with gratitude all those who have contributed to our school's rich legacy—past and present students, parents, alumni, and community members. Each individual has played a vital role in shaping our institution and upholding the values that define us.
We are excited to embark on the next chapter of our journey. We will continue to embrace innovation, adapt to changing times, and equip our students with the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Our commitment to virtue and knowledge will remain at the forefront of everything we do, guiding our actions and inspiring us to reach new heights of excellence.
Together, let us cherish the past, celebrate the present, and eagerly embrace the bright future that lies before us.
With gratitude
Sr. Sonia Chacko RNDM

The Crest - Our Legacy
Virtue & Knowledge enshrined in the RNDM School Crest sum up the capsule of Education.
Virtue: "Virtue may be defined as a habit of mind (animi) in harmony with reason, in order with nature. It has four parts: wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance"
The three theological virtues, FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY are directly linked to God, and the four cardinal virtues JUSTICE, FORTITUDE, PRUDENCE, and TEMPERANCE are related to our neighbors. The word cardinal comes from the Latin word cardo meaning "hinge". They linked the ethos of our onward journey to the eternal sublimity.
She " Wisdom" teaches temperance, prudence, justice, and fortitude, which are such things as people can have nothing more profitable in life" Wisdom of Solomon 8:7 Knowledge: Knowledge blossoms from the activated dormant innate divine gift. Its indefinite dimension covers information, skills of all descriptions. These are acquired through experience and education. there is no end to the span of the mind. It is said that even geniuses use only five percent of the brain. The Crown: Crown is associated with sovereignty. The King of kings is Christ. Mary his mother is the Queen of queens. The Marian family has Mary as its patroness. She is the icon of womanhood. the crown represents victory after the battle. Life is a battlefield. Crown transcends human comprehension. Eternal triumphal life is often termed as " a crown to be earned after the human pilgrimage on earth"
The Laurel leaves: These represent "Success" which stems from excellence in all activities of the intellect, the psyche, and dexterity in bodily agility. They are evergreen plants immortalized by our reverence of mother earth and our duty to preserve its bountiful face. Our logo is a priceless legacy handed down by our pioneers. Blessed are we if we preserve this identity and percolate to its posterity.